Monday, July 21, 2008

Ponds and Wells

Below is a letter from these people where they complained about their well and then a sink hole opened in the contamination ponds. If you look at the bottom of the letter from the mayors office, the mayors office told TDEC that their were no wells within a mile of solway!

Why did the mayors office feel the need to tell TDEC their were no wells within a mile of the facility? Why were these people not told to test their well? The mayors staff even met with these people about their well and still didn't tell them about the contamination pond spill.

Below is where the state recorded failures in both ponds at the same time. Eventually both ponds had to be lined with rubber liners because of these collapses and sinkhole problems.

Below is a 2005 letter from Mr. Popp where he again notified Knox county of his well and again was not notified.

Below is where the ponds were still in failure in 2005.

Below is a map of the suspected sink holes, the one in question opened directly under the contamination pond. you could drop a volkwagon in the hole that opened. Why were the neighbors on drinking water wells not warned!

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